Ceramic Artist Heidi Groshelle created “Bowl in Hand” with its carved bone hand in bowl, inspired by The stone weight in the book./The hand in the bowl. in the poem, You May Sit, You May Rise.

One of the most memorable Subtext readings I went to was Dale Going at the Hugo House in 1999. It was the night the police moved the WTO riots up to Capitol Hill, so there were those Darth Vader police guys in the street, tear-gas canisters exploding, tanks rumbling, people yelling, sirens blaring. It was spooky. Every once in a while Dale would look up, out the window, at what was happening, but the reading went on…I know I'll never see another reading like that again in my life. –John Marshall, The Stranger, Seattle.

Literate, liturgical poet Dale Going lends her work a rhythm of allusion, incorporating material à la James Joyce. –Ezra Mark, Subtext Reading Series, The Stranger, Seattle.